Please check your insurance companies website or call them directly at the toll free member services number printed on your insurance card.
Cash, Checks, Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
An authorization is when your insurance company requires a call from the ordering physicians office to obtain pre-authorization. Most insurance companies require 72 business hours to process pre-authorizations. An insurance referral is when your insurance company requires your primary care doctor to write a referral for you to see a specialist or have certain types of testing. Please contact your insurance company to verify what your policy requires.
Please contact our office directly and give the following information: Name of specialist, phone number of specialist, type of specialist, why you are seeing the specialist, what you are having done. Please allow 72 business hours for all referrals to be processed.
Please contact your pharmacy and request a refill. They can send the refill authorization request directly to our office. Most refill requests are processed electronically from the pharmacy directly to our physicians.
Please bring any previous medical records you may have, your insurance card, a current list of all prescription medications, over the counter medications, supplements and any vitamins you take. You will also need your co-payment. You can also download the patient forms from our website and bring them with you.